Today's post I'll devote for all of you who are out of Serbia!
You may know or don't know where Serbia excually is, so in that case in this post I'll write something about this beautiful country wich will be just a little part of whole that story about Serbia. :)
Serbia takes a place on southeart Europe's Balkan peninsula with vast northern plateaus and mountains with ski resorts to the south.Capital city is Belgrade with population of 1.351.000 people.
Population of Serbia with Kosovo is 9.024.734 (list from 2013.) and area of 88,361 km2.
You will find in Serbia affordable accommodations, good food, friendly people, safe environment and many
tourist attractions to make your stay a memorable one.
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Kalemegdan fortress in Belgrade. |
Language: serbian, religion: Orthodoxy, national anthem: God Of Justice (Boze pravde),
flag: tricolor red-blue-white.
During the great migrations in Europe (5th and 6th centuary) Serbian ancestors allegedly arrived to the Balkan Peninsula from several
directions and settle in the wide area. The Serbian Medieval state of Rashka was
founded on the space between the rivers of Ibar and Drina, West Morava
and Tara. It is on this location that the eldest Serbian feudal states
Raška /Raschka.
In the Middle Ages Raška was one of the Serb zhupas whose
zhupans since the beginning of the 12th century waged leadership of the
Serb campaigns against Byzantine Empire instead of the fist Serb
Statehood of Zeta, so the great zhupan Stefan Nemanja became the most
powerful among the Serb nobelty at the beginning of the 12th centuary.
Stefan Nemanja founded Nemanyic Dinasty that ruled for two centuries.
Stefan Nemanja founded Nemanyic Dinasty that ruled for two centuries.
In 1459. Serbia fell to the Turks and became their province. After centuryes of fight we finally free in 19th century.
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Uvac kanyon. |
Besides all this stressful moments for us, we didn't forget our culture, tradition, religion and language.
But, let's go over this and write you about our landmarks, famous people and food, yeah!
Take a look on this pictures and enjoy!
Mostly iconic and the biggest serbian temple of St. Sava in Belgrade. Completed in 1989.
Take a look on this pictures and enjoy!
Our mountains.
Ski center Kopaonik.
Djerdap gorge. Dunabe river.
Decebalus rock sculpture.
Novi Sad, Vojvodina.
And finaly food.
I can write about Serbia all day, but maybe this is enough to know and see. Remember this is just a part there is a lots, lots of story.
And for the end I want to say that we are small country but we have a big people. Nikola Tesla, Mihajlo Pupin, Ivo Andric, Novak Djokovic and many of them.Maybe you know or don't know for them, but they are our pride. We are also very, very good athletes, number 1 in Europe and world in tennis, waterpolo, basketball, volleyball, football and many other sports.
Hope you like this post and that you maybe wish to come here. You never know!
See you! ♥:)x
U danasnjem postu zelela sam da svojim inostranim citaocima pokazem jedan delic nase prelepe Srbije.
I sami znate da mnogi od njih verovatno nikada nisu ni culi za nasu zemlju, a to se sada mora promeniti.
Ovaj post je takodje i za vas sa Balkana, iz Hrvatske, Bosne, Makedonije, Crne Gore.
Vidimo se drage! ♥:)x
Odlican post, lepo si opisala nasu zemlju :*
ОдговориИзбришиHvala ti puno. Cilj mi je bio da Srbiju prikazem u sto boljem svetlu. ♥:)x
ИзбришиPredivan post. Divne su slike koji si izabrala!
Hvala ti draga. ♥:)
ИзбришиDivno je to sto si napisala ovaj post...ovo je dokaz da je Srbija prelepa zemlja <3
Hvala ti, nadam se da sam uspela u tome da je sto bolje prikazem. ♥:)x
ИзбришиDivan post, bas lepo napisan :-)
ОдговориИзбришиPratim te na GFC, nadam se da ces uzvratiti ! :-*
Hvala ti. ♥:)x Imas moj follow! :*
ОдговориИзбришиodličan post <3
ОдговориИзбришиako želiš pogledaj moj blog i učlani se
Hvala ti! ♥:)x
ИзбришиDavno nisam bila na tvom blogu iz ne znam ni ja sama kog razloga.Vidim mnoge pozitivne promene koje moram da pohvalim... Ovaj post mi se posebno dopao jer je lepo pokazati drugima da je nasa zemlja lepa i da nije sve tako crno kako se mnogi zale da jeste....Ja jako volim svoju zemlju i nije mi jasno kad dodju i pocnu:,,Pre je bilo..." covece sad si tu sta se vracas u proslost uostalom i sad je lepo....A takodje ne razumem to ako ne volis svoju zemlju siroko ti polje nadji negde bolje mesto za zivot....ok ne znam ni zasto sam se raspisala o glupostima u svakom slucaju svaka cast!!! <3 <3 <3
ОдговориИзбриши-New Miaa
Hvala ti puno Mia! Ovim postom sam želela da prikažem koliko je zapravo naša zemlja divna. I sama znaš da mnogi ni ne znaju gde se Srbija nalazi, dok drugi našu zemlju smatraju jadnom. Nadam se da sam ovim putem mišljenje drugih bar malo promenila kada je u pitanju Srbija. I da, skorz se slažemo kada je u pitanju ona priča o tome kakva je nekada bila ova zemlja i tako te priče! ♥:)x